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Get to know characters of my blog

Personas building is a very popular approach in contemporary software development and UX design. Why not use it in a blog? I trust that the introduction of the personas will ease the understanding of the content and increase posts' relevance to the target audience. I am delighted to introduce Nancy, James, Susan, and William to you!

William Garcia is a DevOps Engineer in a hi-tech company based out of San Jose, CA. He has recently moved to the city and plans no further relocation. Billy, that's how his close friends call him, is very much into all the cutting edge gadgets and wearables. Will is already an outstanding expert, but he loves to broaden the knowledge in his domain by being exposed to challenging tasks.

Nancy Turner is a brilliant Data Scientist in one of the AI start-ups in Berlin, Germany. She became an exceptional professional within a very short time because of her unstoppable curiosity and ambitiousness. Nancy benefits from city vibes and gets inspired by the diverse environment she lives in. Nothing can impede her strive for personal growth and desire to develop. James Kelly is an Analytics Director in a fin-tech London based company. As a proud graduate of Columbia University, he took the position thanks to communication skills and the broad network he got from his Alma Mater. After the first year in the role, he sees that direct analytics team management requires more practical analytics skills that he lacks. His goal is to get hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of the subject. James is a huge food lover, and the city gives him a lot of opportunities to enjoy original places. Susan Clark is an extraordinary mix of technological and leadership skills that she never stops developing. This rare combination of talents made her a Team Leader very promptly. She doesn't tell much about her passions, and she probably needn't as they are self-evident. Sue is inspiring, motivating and leading others by example. She is an extremely curious, goal-oriented, and reliable person. Susan never skips morning avo toast and OJ - Sue takes it on the way to the office.

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